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The cause behind BOLT

A place for you to be you

Behind every product, there is a cause. At BOLT Social our cause is simple, to provide a space for our users to be themselves, and to bring back the "social" in social media. In an age where social media has shifted towards more consumption rather than sharing, people are bound to consume "perfect" content, highly edited and critically selected, over and over again. Out of this comes an unhealthy idea of what type of content needs to be shared, an often unattainable and unreal standard. We have no issue with such content, but users should not have to feel that what they want to share will not be good enough. Good enough to be picked up by an algorithm or good enough when compared to other content. We have firsthand seen the negative effects inauthenticity and the resulting social pressures have had on individuals' mental health, especially young adults, and set out to create change. 

We set out to create a platform where sharing spontaneous moments or thoughts is easy, quick, and encouraged. Where a picture of you driving a shopping car is valued the same as you on a red carpet. A platform where a profile page is not just media, but rather a place to demonstrate what you do, your values, and who you really are. 

For influencers and creators, we believe BOLT social is the perfect opportunity to build a deeper connection with their followers, by showing a different side of themselves, a "realer" side. 


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